Chickenfoot Dominoes Game Rules

  • Chickenfoot Dominoes is played in multiple rounds with aim to score lowest at the end of all rounds to win.
  • Each player gets five tiles at the beginning of each round.
  • Each round starts with a lead double. In a game played with double-six dominoes set, first round starts with [6-6]. Subsequent rounds start with next lower double([5-5], [4-4], and so on).
  • If no player gets the double to start that round, then players take turn to draw one tile from the boneyard (player with highest tile to draw first) until one player gets the double to start that round which is immediately played.
  • Once lead double is played, matching tiles are required to be played on all four ends of it before any other tile can be played.
  • If a player can not make a move, he/she draws one tile from the boneyard. if tile can be played, then it must be played, else turn is passed to the next player.
  • Whenever a double is played in the game, it is called 'Chickie' which is a special move. Every time a 'Chickie' is played, no other tile can be played until 3 tiles have been placed at the open end of the double. The tiles are placed in a specific way resembling a chicken foot. This game is named Chickenfoot dominoes for this specific move.
  • Once a round ends (one player dominoes or game is blocked), each player scores total of pips count in his/her individual hand.
  • After the end of last round (for lead [0-0]), the player with the lowest score wins.