French Dominoes Game Rules

  • French Dominoes is 4-player dominoes game played with double-six domino set.
  • At the beginning of each round, all tiles are distributed equally between the four players.
  • First round is started by the player who gets 0-0 tile and starts the round with that double.
  • Subsequent rounds are started by winner of the previous round with any double. If that player does not hold a double, then round is started by the next player holding a double. In case there was no winner in the previous round, the round is again started by the player getting 0-0 tile.
  • The first domino is a spinner and players need to play a tile on all four sides of it before any further move can be made.
  • Players take turn clockwise to play a maching tile. If a player can not make a move, he/she passes turn to the next player.
  • Once a tile has been placed on all four ends of the starting double, each of the four arms can only be extended by first playing a double on that arm which can be further extended by playing a matching tile. Any new number at the end of an arm can only be extended if its respective double has already been played on one of the four arms.
  • First player playing all his/her tiles wins the round. If the game is blocked then player with the lowest pips count in his/her hand wins. If two players tie in a blocked game, there is no winner for that round.
  • Players get panalty points equal to pips count of remaining tiles in their hands. If a player ends up with one or more doubles in his/her hand, then his/her penalty points are doubled for that round. If a round is won by a player playing a double as the last tile, then penalty points for other players are doubled for that round.
  • A player gets 10 penalty points whenever he/she passes 3 consecutive times. If a player makes a move and then next three players pass, all 3 passing players get 10 penalty points each.
  • The game ends once a player reaches 100 or more points. The player with lowest score at that point wins the game.
  • Reference Rules: