Loop Dominoes Game Rules
- Loop is a dominoes puzzle game conceptualized by Andy Lewicki which is played with a double-6 dominoes set.
- Dominoes are arranged into 4 columns of 7 tiles each. The aim is to rearrange the tiles into 4 rows of 7 tiles.
- Only the bottommost tile of each column is available for play.
- Each row can be started with any tile and then built by playing a matching tile to open end of it. The first tile of each row can be rotated by clicking it.
- The game is won when the player is able to build all 4 rows.
- How to play: Select a domino to see all posiible moves. Click on one of the moves to place it there. The first domino played in a row can be rotated by clicking it provided no matching tile has been played next to it.